Surprise, it's Be'lakor the Dark Master time! Before I go away on vacation, I wanted to leave on a chaotic note. So here's my rendition of this absolutely packed with detail centerpiece. Took about 30 hours to paint both him and the base, and enjoyed every single second of it. A special shoutout to my faithful airbrush for having my back, and never clogging once on this massive project. #daemonsofchaos #chaosdaemons #belakor #belakorthedarkmaster #thedarkmaster #daemonprince #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #lavaminiaturebase #lavabase #belakorlava #lavabelakor
Cadian Veteran Guardsman with Plasmagun #commandsquad #commandsquad #astramilitarum #lasgun #plasmagun #greenplasmagun #greenplasma #cadianveteran #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia
Veteran Guardsman with Regimental Standard! #commandsquad #commandsquad #cadianstandardbearer #cadianregimentalstandard #mastervoxsystem #astramilitarum #lasgun #plasmagun #cadiancommander #cadianveteran # #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia
Close up of my Rogal Dorn Tank Commander looking dapper #rogaldorn #rogaldornbattletank #tankcommander #astramilitarumtankcommander #astramilitarumtank #astramilitarum #imperialguard #imperialguardtank #blueimperialguardtank #greyimperialguardtank #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia
Cadian Commander with Power Sword ⚡⚡ #powersword #commandsquad #commandsquad #cadianveteranguardsman #veteranguardsman #CadianCommander #astramilitarum #lasgun #cadianveteran #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia
Veteran Guardsman with Master Vox #commandsquad #commandsquad #cadianveteranguardsman #veteranguardsman #veteranguardsmanwithmastervox #mastervox #astramilitarum #lasgun #cadianveteran #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia
I've been eager to share this one for quite some time now! I saved one of my favorite models for last—the formidable Rogal Dorn Heavy Battle Tank, with its Tank Commander leading the charge. This may be the final Cadian model I show-off for a while, as I've decided to take a break and focus on a demonic project that has captured my interest. I also want to express my gratitude for all the support; I recently reached 3,000 followers over the weekend, and I truly appreciate all of your kind comments! 🖤🖤🖤 #rogaldorn #rogaldornbattletank #tankcommander #astramilitarumtankcommander #astramilitarumtank #astramilitarum #imperialguard #imperialguardtank #blueimperialguardtank #greyimperialguardtank #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia
Cadian Veteran Guardsman with Medi-pack ⛑️ #commandsquad #commandsquad #cadianveteranguardsman #veteranguardsman #veteranguardsmanwithmedipack #medipack #astramilitarum #lasgun #cadianveteran #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia
The first of two Cadian Command Squads! I loved taking my time to paint this unit, there is something about painting that regimental standard that just sets my brain off 🔥 #commandsquad #commandsquad #cadianstandardbearer #cadianregimentalstandard #mastervoxsystem #astramilitarum #lasgun #plasmagun #cadiancommander #cadianveteran # #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia
New HQ unit today, my Astra Militarum Primaris Psyker. I decided to paint her in the colour of the army with the grey-blue and tan cloth, as the model doesn't really match the vibe of the new Cadians. ⚡⚡ #primarispsyker #psyker #astramilitarum #plasmagun #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia #ordnanceteam
Cadian Shock Trooper with Plasma Gun #shocktroops #cadianshocktroops #astramilitarum #plasmagun #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia #ordnanceteam
Field Ordnance Batteries with Heavy Malleus Rocket Launchers 🚀 #fieldordnancebattery #fieldordnancebatteries #astramilitarum #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #malleusrocketlaunchers #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia #ordnanceteam #redglow
The sergeant and grenade launcher trooper from squad 2! #shocktroops #cadianshocktroops #astramilitarum #Grenadelauncher #drumfedautogun #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia
Field Ordnance Batteries with Heavy Lascannons #fieldordnancebattery #fieldordnancebatteries #astramilitarum #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #heavylascannons #heavylascannon #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia #ordnanceteam #redglow
The second squad of Cadian Shock Troops! These guys are more mid-field having the autogun, grenade launcher and plasma gun troopers. #shocktroops #cadianshocktroops #astramilitarum # Lasgun #Plasmagun #Grenadelauncher # Drumfedautogun #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia #ordnanceteam
Sentinels with flamers #sentinel #armouredsentinel #astramilitarum #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #plasmacannon #flamer #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase
Hit the mf deck, here come the first set of Field Ordnance Batteries! fully magnetized to swap out the the other 2 weapon options. These are incredibly rewarding to paint because you are essentially making little mini dioramas... And that's why I have another 2 sets on on the to-do list! 🎨 #FieldOrdnanceBattery #FieldOrdnanceBatteries #astramilitarum #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #bombastfieldguns #bombastfieldgun #malleusrocketlaunchers #heavylascannons #heavylascannon #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #wh40k #warhammer40k #cadia #ordnanceteam
The Sergeant and radio guy from Cadian Shock Troop squad 1 #shocktroops #cadianshocktroops #astramilitarum #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #meltagun #flamer #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #OSL #hotminiatureweapons
Armoured Sentinel with Lascannon #sentinel #armouredsentinel #astramilitarum #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #plasmacannon #flamer #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase
Special weapon Cadian Shock Troops that make things real hot 🔥 #shocktroops #cadianshocktroops #astramilitarum #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #meltagun #flamer #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase #OSL #hotminiatureweapons
Armored Sentinels ready for action! For these guys I magnetized the main weapons and chainsaw arm for easy swapping out of weapon options. But chose to only paint the 3 most interesting main weapons, which ended up being the Plasma (obvious choice), Flamer and the regular Las Canon #sentinel #armouredsentinel #astramilitarum #imperialguard #blueimperialguard #bluecadians #greycadians #cadian #plasmacannon #flamer #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer #wh40k #miniaturepainting #warhammer40000 #citadel #citadelpaints #vallejo #desertbase
The first of 8 squads of Cadian Shock Troops! I have decided to make 4 close range squads and 4 medium range squads of these guys. So having the flamethrower, meltagun and chainsword sergeant would make these guys the first close range squad. #cadian #cadianshocktroops #flamethrower #meltagun #chainsword #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer40k #wh40k #imperialguard #bluecadians #blueimperialguard #vallejo
The first post for my Cadian Imperial Guard army! I thought it would be cool to start with a HQ unit, the Commissar! #Commissar #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #imperialguard #cadian #astramilitarum #gamesworkshop #warhammer #warhammer40k #miniaturepainting #wh40k #vallejo #citadel #warhammer40000
This is the Saurus Warriors I painted when i went and grabbed the free Miniature of the month at my local Warhammer Store. After I finish with my Guard and my mates Tau, these orange lizards will be on the menu #SaurusWarriors #Saurus #Seraphon #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #warhammerageofsigmar #miniaturepainting #Lizardmen #OrangeSeraphon #OrangeSaurus #gamesworkshop #vallejo #citadel #JungleBase #OrangeLizardmen
G'day friends. So couple months ago I decided to finally try my hand at painting a Ultramarine in the 'Eavy Metal' box art style. I think I got pretty close to achieving the result and didn't shave as many hours off my life as I was anticipating. Definitely worth it to learn a new technique and put my brush control to the test. Might paint him a red friend soon too 😉 #ultramarine #spacemarine #warhammercommunity #gamesworkshop #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #eavymetal #eavymetalspacemarine #vallejo #miniaturepainting #intercessor
And here's the Knight-Judicator himself, the last kit in my Stormcast collection. Perhaps when edition 4 releases, we might see some new models and I'll bust out the Yellow again, but until then, I'm very satisfied with my yellow army. #warhammercommunity #warhammer #knightjudicator #stormcasteternals #warhammeraos #gamesworkshop #warhammerageofsigmar
A duo of Gryph-hounds from the Knight-Judicator Kit. That's almost a wrap for these Stormcast guys, the display board is getting crowded now. I will post pics of my display board after I show off the Knight-Judicator himself ☀️ #warhammercommunity #warhammer #knightjudicator #gryphhounds #stormcasteternals #warhammeraos #gamesworkshop #warhammerageofsigmar
I have a couple more Stormcast models and a couple small side projects to show before I will start really getting stuck into my Cadian Army. So until then enjoy my Lord Commander Bastian Carthalos painting in my custom warm-yellow Stormcast Eternal theme! Make sure to swipe the carousel to see all the angles! #warhammer #warhammerageofsigmar #aos #ageofsigmar #stormcast #stormcasteternals #miniaturepainting #minipainting #art #artist #hobby #miniatureshowcase #gamesworkshop #warhammercommunity #vallejo #warhammeraos #lordcommanderbastiancarthalos #bastiancarthalos #bastian #lordcommander #stormcastlordcommander #vallejo #citadel #citadelpaints #thearmypainter #warpaintsfanatic #grassbase #yellowscheme #highlandgrass #yellowstormcasts
Here is the whole Kommando squad I painted up for my brother to add to his slowing growing horde of green dudes. Had a great time going slow, painting these guys one at a time. #warhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop40k #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork
Ork Kommando Boss Nob 💚 #warhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop40k #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #OrkKommandoBossNob #KommandoBossNob #BossNob #40kBossNob
Ork Kommando with Burna 💚 #warhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop40k #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #kommandowithburna #kommandoburna #burnakommando #orkkommandowithburna
Ork Kommando 4 💚 #warhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop40k #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork
Ork Kommando with Rokkit launcha 💚 #warhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop40k #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #OrkKommandowithRokkitlauncha #Rokkitlauncha #KommandowithRokkitlauncha
Ork Kommando with Kustom shoota 💚 #warhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop40k #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #OrkKommandowithKustomshoota #Kustomshoota
Ork Kommando 3 💚 #warhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop40k #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork
Ork Kommando Bomb squig ❤️ #warhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop40k #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #bombsquig #squig #kommandosbombsquig #kommandobombsquig
Ork Kommando with Breacha ram 💚 #warhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop40k #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #Breacharam #KommandowithBreacharam #KommandoBreacharam
Ork Kommando 2 💚 #warhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop40k #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #orkkommandos #kommandos #orkkommando #kommando #40kork
A little more Krondys Son of Dracothion for you 💙 #Draconith #Krondys #KrondysSonofDracothion #Karazai #WarhammerDragon #WaterResinBase #ThunderStrike #Stormcast #StormcastEternals #StormcastEternal #YellowStormcast #YellowStormcastEternals #GrassyBase #GrassyMiniatureBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #AustralianMiniaturePainter #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #WarhammerAOS #AOS
A little close-up of my Krondys grassy wet ruins base 🌿 #Draconith #Krondys #KrondysSonofDracothion #Karazai #WarhammerDragon #WaterResinBase #ThunderStrike #Stormcast #StormcastEternals #StormcastEternal #YellowStormcast #YellowStormcastEternals #GrassyBase #GrassyMiniatureBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #AustralianMiniaturePainter #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #WarhammerAOS #AOS
Finally time to show off Krondys the big blue dragon. I practically have every colour on the colour wheel somewhere on this model. Really enjoyed every minute of modelling and painting this big flying lizard. It was my first time using resin water effect on a base to make the little pond. 💙 #Draconith #Krondys #KrondysSonofDracothion #Karazai #WarhammerDragon #WaterResinBase #ThunderStrike #Stormcast #StormcastEternals #StormcastEternal #YellowStormcast #YellowStormcastEternals #GrassyBase #GrassyMiniatureBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #AustralianMiniaturePainter #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #WarhammerAOS
This week I have my Knight-Draconis to off⚡⚡ #WarhammerAgeOfSigmar #StormcastEternals #KnightDraconis #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainting #TabletopGaming #Warhammer40k #HobbyTime #PaintingWarhammer #Wargaming #Modeling #YellowScheme #SteelScheme #GrassBase #ToyPhotography #WarhammerFantasy #WarhammerCommunity #DiceRolling #BattleReport #GamingMiniatures #MiniatureWargaming #WargamingTerrain #GamersOfInstagram #NerdLife #Hobbyist #PaintingProgress #ThunderStrike #Stormcast #YellowStormcast
Back with another round of Stormcast Eternals miniatures to show off over the next couple weeks!... The theme of this round of miniature pics, models with wings... First up is Yndrasta from the 3rd Edition box, painted in my steel and warm-yellow scheme ⚡⚡ #WarhammerAgeOfSigmar #StormcastEternals #Yndrasta #CelestialSpear #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainting #TabletopGaming #Warhammer40k #HobbyTime #PaintingWarhammer #Wargaming #Modeling #YellowScheme #SteelScheme #GrassBase #ToyPhotography #WarhammerFantasy #WarhammerCommunity #DiceRolling #BattleReport #GamingMiniatures #MiniatureWargaming #WargamingTerrain #GamersOfInstagram #NerdLife #Hobbyist #PaintingProgress #WarhammerHobby #FantasyGaming #TabletopWarfare
My Stormcast Eternals Knight-Relictor, painted in my signature warm-yellow and steel metal colour scheme! ⚡⚡ #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #StormcastEternals #KnightRelictor #PaintedMiniatures #WarmYellow #SteelColorScheme #HighlandGrass #TabletopGaming #Wargaming #MiniaturePainting #HobbyTime #GamersofInstagram #WarhammerFest #GamingCommunity #GeekCulture #ToyPhotography #FantasyMiniatures #WarhammerCommunity #MiniatureMonday #WIPWednesday
Behold the might of my Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals Annihilators squad 2 ⚡💪 Painted in my custom Steel and Warm-Yellow color scheme, they're ready to bring the hammer down on any foes that stand in their way. ⚡ #StormcastEternals #AgeofSigmar #WarmYellowMini #Annihilators #PaintedMinis #MiniaturePainting #WarhammerCommunity #TabletopGaming #HobbyProgress #Wargaming #AoSAnnihilators #YellowArmy #CitadelPaints #GoldenYellow #WarmaHordes #BattleReady #AoS #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #PaintingWarhammer #WarmHammer #YellowScheme #YellowStormcast #SigmariteWarriors #PaintingMiniatures #ModelPainting #YellowPainting #StormcastArmy #TabletopMinis #WargamingCommunity #YellowStormcasts
Here is the Lord-Imperatant for my lightning lads. I had this model painted a month ago, but decided to hold off posting so I could make his big hammer glow like the Annihilators. Let me know what you think of him in the comments⚡⚡ #LordImperatant #Azyr #ThunderStrike #Stormcast #StormcastEternals #StormcastEternal #YellowStormcast #YellowStormcastEternals #GrassyBase #GrassyMiniatureBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #AustralianMiniaturePainter #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #WarhammerAOS
Shout-out to my girlfriend for suggesting I paint this Gryph-hound from the Dominion Box half Eagle, half White Tiger. He turned out awesome❤❤⚡⚡ #GryphHound #GryphHounds #Azyr #ThunderStrike #Stormcast #StormcastEternals #StormcastEternal #YellowStormcast #YellowStormcastEternals #GrassyBase #GrassyMiniatureBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #AustralianMiniaturePainter #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #WarhammerAOS
Flags up if you're digging this Knight-Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis. I dreaded painting the giant flag on this dude. Took me a long time to get right what part of the flag would be what colour. But now that he's finished, it looks cool having a huge flag bearer right at the top of the hill. ⚡⚡ #KnightVexillor #KnightVexillorwithBannerofApotheosis #BannerofApotheosis #ThunderStrike #Stormcast #StormcastEternals #StormcastEternal #YellowStormcast #YellowStormcastEternals #GrassyBase #GrassyMiniatureBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #AustralianMiniaturePainter #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #WarhammerAOS
Before I start posting all the cool and unique Stormcast Eternal models, I gotta get all my Battleline dudes posted. So here is squad 2 of my Vindicators! I have another 2 squads to primed and ready to paint, but thinking I could skip em and throw a dragon riders at the Battleline problem instead 😎 #Vindicators #Vindicator #ThunderStrike #Stormcast #StormcastEternals #StormcastEternal #YellowStormcast #YellowStormCastEternals #GrassyBase #GrassyMiniatureBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #AustralianMiniaturePainter #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #WarhammerAOS
Alright friends, it's time to get a load of my Stormcast Eternals Annihilators' first squad. The blue lightning effects on these dudes contrast real nice with the warm-yellow army scheme. ⚡💙 . . . #Annihilators #MeteoricHammers #ThunderStrike #Stormcast #StormcastEternals #StormcastEternal #YellowStormcast #YellowStormCastEternals #GrassyBase #GrassyMiniatureBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #AustralianMiniaturePainter #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #WarhammerAOS
Stormcast Eternals Knight-Arcanum from the Dominion Box, painted in my Warm-Yellow army Scheme atop a Highland biome base⚡ . . . . #KnightArcanum #Arcanum #ThunderStrike #Stormcast #StormcastEternals #StormcastEternal #YellowStormcast #YellowStormCastEternals #GrassyBase #GrassyMiniatureBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #AustralianMiniaturePainter #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #WarhammerAOS
Finally, I found time to start an Age of Sigmar army baby! I went with Stormcast because I digged the new look of their new armour. First time painting yellow armour on miniatures too, which is a new challenge. But if you have the patience for glazing, the results can be worth the effort. . . . . . #Vindicators #Vindicator #Stormcast #StormcastEternals #YellowStormcast #YellowStormCastEternals #GrassyBase #GrassyMiniatureBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #AustralianMiniaturePainter #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #WarhammerAOS
My brother gifted me the Red Gobbo for Christmas last year, so this year I'm re-gifting it back to him with a little paint on it, Merry Christmas! Looking forward to showing off my Stormcast Eternals to you all in 2023! . . . #DaRedGobbo #RedGobbo #ChristmasWarhammer #ChristmasGoblin #Orks #Grots #RedSquig #Squig #Snowbase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #AustralianMiniaturePainter #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k
I painted Roboute Guilliman gradually, over the course of about 3 weeks. Slowing right down and tackling him one section at a time was a really relaxing and meditative process, which is what this hobby is all about for me. @WarhammerOfficial Protip: Replace the two flaming torch handles with metal wire. The slightest bump, will snap em. #RobouteGuilliman #Roboute #Guilliman #Primarch #Ultramar #Ultramarines #AdeptusAstartes #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #Primaris #BurningSword #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
And now, Squad 2 of my Eradicators🔥 even hotter than Squad 1 #Eradicators #EradicatorSquad #PrimarisEradicators #MeltaGun #DesertBase #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #GreenUltramarines #Ultramarines #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #Primaris #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
This week we finally get a Primaris Lieutenant joining the Green Marines 💪 #PrimarisLieutenant #SpaceMarineLieutenant #PowerSword #DesertBase #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #GreenUltramarines #Ultramarines #AdeptusAstartes #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #Primaris #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
Squad 1 of my Eradicators🔥 fresh off the painting desk. #Eradicators #EradicatorSquad #PrimarisEradicators #MeltaGun #DesertBase #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #GreenUltramarines #Ultramarines #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #Primaris #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
Tracked down a Kamoteph the Crooked model to add a little more resurrection juice to my Necrons. Let me know what you think of this geezer's paint job in the comments. Enjoy! #KamotephtheCrooked #Kamoteph #Technomancer #Necrons #Necrons #PurpleNecrons #PinkNecrons #Cryptek #StaffofLight #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
After taking a short break with painting to get stuck into some other projects, I'm back on the brush! For the last couple weeks I've begun making touch-ups on my Necrons so I can enter them into an Armies-on-Display competition. Starting with the biggest and most challenging touch-up… shifting the Void Dragon Lightnings hue from Pink to a powerful electric blue 💙 #Necron #Necrons #Ctan #CtanShardoftheVoidDragon #ShardoftheVoidDragon #VoidDragon #PurpleNecrons #PinkNecrons #BlueOSL #LightningEffect #CustomDynasty #Indomitus #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
And with the completion of this Dankhold Troggoth, project gobbo horde is offically done👌 totalling in at 163 painted models which adds up to 2,450 pts. This was the first time trying oil washes on a model, and gotta say, don't think I'll be needing any Citadel wash refills anymore. Thank you all for the likes, follows and messages of support during this hefty project 🖤🖤 #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #Troggoth #MiniaturePainting #DankholdTroggoth #WarhammerCommunity #WarhammerPainting #RealmofAqshy #Aqshy #Troggherd #BadlandsBase #Miniature #BadMoon #MortalRealms #WarhammerAOS #JaymisHorsey #GloomspiteGitz #Warhammer #Vallejo #Moonclan #GamesWorkshopAOS #DesertBase #Citadel #MiniaturePainter #AgeofSigmar #AustralianMiniaturePainter #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #PaintingWarhammer #GamesWorkshop
Didn't intend on painting this Squig Herd unit, so decided to paint them as quickly as possible as a kinda speed painting challange #SquigHerd #Squig #Grot #GloomspiteGitz #BadMoon #Moonclan #MortalRealms #RealmofAqshy #Aqshy #DesertBase #BadlandsBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshopAOS #Warhammer #WarhammerAOS #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #AgeofSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
Here come the Boingrot Bounderz. Painted 20 of these. Gave them the spear ends from the Stabba Grot kit to make them more pokey. #BoingrotBounderz #Squighoppers #Squig #Grot #GloomspiteGitz #BadMoon #Moonclan #MortalRealms #RealmofAqshy #Aqshy #DesertBase #BadlandsBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshopAOS #Warhammer #WarhammerAOS #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #AgeofSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
Here come the Squigs. First up is this Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig. Which is the last hero unit in my mates Gloomspite Gitz army. These horrible mouths on legs are real easy to paint, just use some progressive dry brushing and drop the rider on top when it's nice and red. #LoonbossonGiantCaveSquig #LoonBoss #GiantCaveSquig #Grot #GloomspiteGitz #BadMoon #Moonclan #MortalRealms #RealmofAqshy #Aqshy #DesertBase #BadlandsBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshopAOS #Warhammer #WarhammerAOS #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #AgeofSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
The hard part of this project is over with all these 120 Grots finished. Here are the final 40 Grots, Stabbas of the Pokin' Spears variety 🎉 #Stabbas #StabbaswithPokinSpears #Grot #GloomspiteGitz #BadMoon #Moonclan #MortalRealms #RealmofAqshy #Aqshy #DesertBase #BadlandsBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshopAOS #Warhammer #WarhammerAOS #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #AgeofSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter
Next up we got these Loonsmasha Fanatics! A fun change of pace from painting 40 grots at a time! Now back to painting another 40 grots... #Fanatics #Loonsmasha #LoonsmashaFanatics #Grot #GloomspiteGitz #BadMoon #Moonclan #MortalRealms #RealmofAqshy #Aqshy #DesertBase #BadlandsBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshopAOS #Warhammer #WarhammerAOS #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #AgeofSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
More Goblins for you! this time it's 40 Grots with bow and arrows. Just another 40 to go baby! 😮💨 #ShootaGrots #Shoota #Shootas #Grot #GloomspiteGitz #BadMoon #Moonclan #MortalRealms #RealmofAqshy #Aqshy #DesertBase #BadlandsBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshopAOS #Warhammer #WarhammerAOS #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #AgeofSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
My homies Loonboss. I painted this dude similar to the box art, with a few colour variations to the mushrooms, to suit the Badlands base better. #Loonboss #Grot #GloomspiteGitz #BadMoon #Moonclan #MortalRealms #RealmofAqshy #Aqshy #DesertBase #BadlandsBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshopAOS #Warhammer #WarhammerAOS #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #AgeofSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
This is 40 out of the 120 Grots I painted for my mates Gloomspite Gitz Goblins. I may have bitten off more than I can chew painting so many of these little weirdos. Much much more to come... #Stabba #Stabbas #StabbaGrots #Grots #GloomspiteGitz #BadMoon #Moonclan #MortalRealms #RealmofAqshy #Aqshy #DesertBase #BadlandsBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshopAOS #Warhammer #WarhammerAOS #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #AgeofSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
Decided to paint up another squad of Boltstorm Aggressors. This time, with their helmets off to mix it up a bit... and I love painting heads 🖤 #Aggressors #AggressorSquad #BoltStormAggressor #BoltStorm #DesertBase #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #GreenUltramarines #Ultramarines #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #Primaris #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
Skragrott the Loonking. Painted like the box-art and slapped on top a Badlands style base, for my homies Gloomspite Gitz army! #Skragrott #SkragrotttheLoonking #Loonking #Grots #GloomspiteGitz #BadMoon #Moonclan #MortalRealms #RealmofAqshy #Aqshy #DesertBase #BadlandsBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshopAOS #Warhammer #WarhammerAOS #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #AgeofSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
Assault Intercessor Squad 2. The sergeants head and shoulder pad is magnetised to allow me to convert him to a regular marine, if I wanted a 10 man squad. #AssaultIntercessors #AssaultIntercessor #AssaultIntercessorSquad #DesertBase #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #GreenUltramarines #Ultramarines #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #Primaris #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
First Age of Sigmar model painted for my mates Gloomspite Gitz army. The mission is to get all 150 or so models painted by the end of February. So, I started with the largest... #Squigs #ManglerSquigs #Grots #Goblin #GloomspiteGitz #BadMoon #Moonclan #MortalRealms #RealmofAqshy #Aqshy #DesertBase #BadlandsBase #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshopAOS #Warhammer #WarhammerAOS #WarhammerAgeofSigmar #AgeofSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
Green Marines Assault Intercessor Squad 1 (of 4). I'm going to post my other 3 squads separately over the next couple weeks. I put in a lot of effort building and painting each one of my marines differently, so posting 1 squad at a time will let me show off each unique dude! #AssaultIntercessors #AssaultIntercessor #AssaultIntercessorSquad #DesertBase #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #GreenUltramarines #Ultramarines #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #Primaris #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
Merry Christmas everybody. I painted this new Beast Boss on Squigosaur model for my little brother (hope he doesn't see this post before I give it too him today haha). Nothing feels better than giving the gift of war to the ones you love 🖤 Hope you all have an amazing holiday season. #Ork #Orks #BeastBoss #BeastBossonSquigosaur #Goffs #GoffsClan #Squigosaur #SpaceOrks #Greenskin #Greenskins #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
With this hectic year coming to an end at last, I've finally been given time to go back a photograph everything I've painted in the last 4 months while my life was in transition and I was settling into my new city. So, enjoy my Primaris Librarian and expect more cool miniatures from me in 2022! (and a very special upload before Xmas 🖤) #SpaceMarinesLibrarian #Librarian #PrimarisLibrarian #DesertBase #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #GreenUltramarines #Ultramarines #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #Primaris #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkshop #GamesWorkshop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #BrisbaneMiniaturePainter #AustralianMiniaturePainter
My Green Marines Impulsor Pair. Featuring fully magnetised attachments and airbrushed OSL goodness. Enjoy 🖤 . . . . . #SpaceMarinesImpulsor #PrimarisImpulsor #Impulsor #DesertBase #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #GreenUltramarines #Ultramarines #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #Primaris #OSL #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkShop #GamesWorkShop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey
Haven't posted new stuff for a while, life has been hectic lately, but I'm back with a bunch of new models to show off, starting with my Space Marines Primaris Apothecary #PrimarisApothecary #Apothecary #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #GreenUltramarines #Ultramarines #DesertBase #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #Primaris #Indomitus #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkShop #GamesWorkShop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey
Painted up this Ork Doctor fella for my Bro. #Ork #Painboy #OrkPainboy #DesertBase #Orks #Goffs #GoffOrk #PowerKlaw #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkShop #GamesWorkShop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey #TheArtofJaymisHorsey
Painted a Primaris Techmarine in all shinny steel ✨✨ Felt the traditional red didn't make him feel machine-like enough. I'm starting to close in on my final 2000 point Space Marine list now. Next I'll be padding my Green Marines out with more troops and a pair of Impulsors. Can't wait to get cracking on those hovertanks! Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio 🎨 #Techmarine #PrimarisTechmarine #DesertBase #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #GreenUltraMarines #Primaris #Indomitus #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkShop #GamesWorkShop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #MiniaturePainter #JaymisHorsey
With the completion of these two Canoptek Doomstalkers I've finally hit my first ever 2000 point Warhammer army. It's been such a fun journey learning how to paint miniatures. The hours spend watching YouTube tutorials, researching paints and practicing on the brush was all worth it! Now that my Necrons are done, I'm free to focus on finishing my Space Marines... And after they're sitting pretty on my shelf, it will finally be time to jump into Age of Sigmar (the dimension where the really beautiful models live). Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio 🎨 #CustomDynasty #CustomNecronDynasty #SilverNecrons #CanoptekDoomstalker #Doomstalker #Doomstalkers #PurpleNecron #PurpleNecrons #PurpleOSL #PinkOSL #OSL #Indomitus #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #CoolMinis #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkShop #GamesWorkShop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #AirbrushedMinis
This insane thing is the most fun I've had with a paintbrush. Took a lot of airbrushing too... Behold the C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon painted in my custom Spooky Purple colour scheme. I've painted one of these guys before for a client in a very similar fashion, except it was more true purple than pinkish (you can find it on my Instagram or website if you want to check that one out). I really enjoyed blasting white around where the lightning energy hits the surfaces on the ground and on his metal wings too. Starting to get really use to doing OSL effects now. Surprisingly these guys don't take too long to paint, probably about 8 hours total for this dude. Only 280 pts away from completing my first full 2000pt. 40K army 🎉🎉 Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio 🎨 #CustomDynasty #CustomNecronDynasty #DarkNecrons #PinkVoidDragon #PurpleVoidDragon #CtanShard #CtanShardoftheVoidDragon #VoidDragon #PurpleNecron #PurpleNecrons #PurpleOSL #PinkOSL #OSL #Indomitus #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #CoolMinis #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkShop #GamesWorkShop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #AirbrushedMinis
I was offered a free Redemptor Dreadnought from a buddy of mine, which I gladly accepted with gratitude. Only problem was, I had already painted one a year ago and since then my airbrushing skills had increased. There was no way I could paint this new one to my old skill level, so I decided to strip my old Redemptor and paint them both together so paint job was of consistent quality. This is the result of a few weeks casual work! For the Plasma glow effect I used the white ink technique. Where I airbrush the white Ink of the parts I wanted light reflected and then airbrushed the colour onto. Link to my Artist Blog in Bio! #RedemptorDreadnought #RedemptorDreadnought #GreenOSL #OSL #SpaceMarines #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #Primaris #Indomitus #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #CoolMinis #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkShop #GamesWorkShop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity
The Green Marines have a leader now! There are heaps of Captains to choose from in the Space Marine Range but i decided to go with this Primaris Captain with Auto Bolt Rifle and Power Sword... He won the competition for coolest pose. I gave this guy a lift-kit to really stand out on the table by stacking up some rocks. And I used the metal halo decoration from the Captain in my Indomitus Box to give him even more height. The Power Sword gradient was done on my airbrush using various Vallejo Model Colour reds, oranges and yellow and then finishing it off with Vallejo Fluro Orange and Fluro Yellow. If your keen to check out the rest of my painted mini's. The link to my artist blog is in bio 🖌 #SpaceMarineCaptain #SpaceMarinePrimarisCaptain #Captain #PrimarisCaptain #SpaceMarine #SpaceMarines #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #GreenUltramaine #Ultramarines #Primaris #Indomitus #PowerSword #OrangePowerSword #HotPowerSword #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #CoolMinis #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkShop #GamesWorkShop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity
A mate of mine gave me a bunch of his unwanted Warhammer a while back and i found this dude. I really dig him but he didn’t really fit in my Space Marines army, so figured i’d try painting this fella like the box art for fun 🐺 Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio 🎨 #SpaceWolves #PrimarisLieutenant #Primaris #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #CoolMinis #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkShop #GamesWorkShop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity
New Ultra Green Marine joins my forces this week. Took me ages to get my hands on this Primaris Ancient, but I eventually found one 🙂 Raising the banner for the mighty Ultra Greens Link to my Blog in Insta Bio #GreenMarines #PrimarisAncient #Primaris #Ancient #GreenUltramarine #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #greenspacemarine #gamesworkshop #40k #Vallejo #gunshipgreen #citadelminiatures #Spacemarine #coolminis #customchapter
This is how I painted my mates Mephestion! Tried my best to paint the same as the box art except with the few variations.... I prefer to paint all of my plasma stuff green to separate it from the blue Psychic stuff, which ended up giving this guy a very wide range of colours. Also decided to snip of the syringe needles, because I could imagine them stabbing into his bottom cloak as he walks around. I had a great time painting this model 😎 #Mephiston #MephistonLordofDeath #BloodAngels #SpaceMarines #Primaris #ForceSword #Desertbase #Citadel #MiniaturePainting #WarhammerPainting #Warhammer40000 #40k #WarhammerCommunity #BlueOSL #GreenOSL #Librarian
Next up in my buddy Nicks Blood Angels roster comes these Outriders. I got my hands on some Vallejo Pigments for these guys, they really make desert bases and weathering on dirt and dust a piece of cake. Find the link to my miniature painting blog in bio 🎨 . . . . . #BloodAngels #SpaceMarines #Primaris #Outriders #OutriderSquad #Chainsword #Desertbase #Vallejo #Miniature #CoolMinis #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkShop40k #Warhammer40000 #40k #RedSpaceMarine #RedSpaceMarines #VallejoPigment #VallejoPigments
Got some Blood Angels Assault Intercessors to show you guys. Painted up quick my best bud Nick. He's gonna give them a spin on the table this weekend... bzzbzzzzzz Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio 🎨 . . . . . #BloodAngels #SpaceMarines #Primaris #AssaultIntercessors #Chainsword #Desertbase #Citadel #MiniaturePainting #WarhammerPainting #Warhammer40000 #40k #WarhammerCommunity
Part 2 of the David from Melbourne commission job, was this sick C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon model. This is in the running for both the coolest & funnest model I have painted. So many opportunities for OSL effects with all the various light sources, the old airbrush got a real good flogging. Will be getting this model for my own Necron collection soon 😎🖤 Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio 🎨 . . . . . #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #Indomitus #CustomDynasty #Necrons #PurpleNecrons #Ctan #CtanShard #CtanShardofthevoidDragon #VoidDragon #PurpleOSL #PurpleInk
Just wrapped up painting this commission of Szarekh the Silent King for David from Melbourne. The colour scheme is very similar to my own Necrons but David wanted to go a for a more true violent colour, which was acheved by highlighting OSL effects in greyscale and then airbrusing purple ink over the top to get the colourful glow. Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio 🎨 . . . . . #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #Indomitus #CustomDynasty #Necrons #PurpleNecrons #Szarekh #SzarekhTheSilentKing #TheSilentKing #PurpleOSL #PurpleInk
I've finally reached end of the Indomitus box Necrons with the completion of the Overlord. I made the effort to give my Overlord a lift-kit, so to speak, by stacking up a rock formation and standing him ontop. Playing necrons with 60 warriors in total, It helps when your HQ's stand out from the horde. I learnt this lession playing with my Royal Warden and often confusing him with a regular warrior holding a gauss reaper. Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio 🎨 . . . . . #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #Indomitus #IndomitusBox #CustomDynasty #Necrons #PurpleNecrons #Overlord #IndomitusOverlord #PurpleOSL #PinkOSL
Got some more Aggressors to show you guys. This time I painted up a squad of the Bolt Storm variety. Ready to take to the table with the Green Marines. Up to appox. 1400 pts of space marines now 😎 Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio 🎨 . . . . . #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #CoolMinis #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #GamesWorkShop #GamesWorkShop40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #SpaceMarines #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #Primaris #BoltstormAggressors #BoltstormAggressor #BoltstormAggressorSquad #Aggressors #Aggressor
My six Skorpekh Destroyers are done. Decided I would do just a simple airbrush gradient on these guys blades instead of glazing them for days... And I like the result, they look nice and glowey. Let me know what you think of them in the comments! Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio 🎨 . . . . . #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #Indomitus #IndomitusBox #CustomDynasty #Necrons #PurpleNecrons #Skorpekh #SkorpekhDestroyers #SkorpekhDestroyer #PurpleOSL
Recently painted up this pair of Necron Plasmacyte's from the Warhammer 40k Indomitus Box. Had to do a little work snipping back and covering the ruins with rocks. The rocks give the models a nice weighty feel as a bonus. These fella's creep alongside Skorpekh Destroyers, so this week I'll be showing you how I painted them too 😉 Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio 🎨 . . . . . #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #Indomitus #IndomitusBox #CustomDynasty #Necrons #PurpleNecrons #Plasmacyte #NecronPlasmacyte #PurpleGlow
A new addition to my green marines this week. A squad of Flame Storm Aggressors join the ranks. I'm well on my way to reaching a 2000 point army now (well two 2000 pt armies infact). so close! Link to my artist blog in my bio, where you can see more of my painted minis! . . . . . #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #SpaceMarines #CustomChapter #GreenSpaceMarine #GreenSpaceMarines #Primaris #FlamestormAggressors #FlamestormAggressor #FlamestormAggressorSquad
For something different and fun, I painted this Deathgaurd marine, Plague Champion Gangrus. Right in time for the new Deathgaurd codex release 💚 Link to my miniature painting blog in Bio ✨ . . . . . #Vallejo #Citadel #Miniature #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerPainting #Warhammer #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #PlagueMarine #PlagueChampionGangrus #DeathGuard #PlasmaGlow #GreenPlasmaGlow